Trash Talk 

How to Dispose of Industrial Waste

Last Updated: June 10, 2024

How to Dispose of Industrial Waste

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More often than not, industrial waste (referring to the unused and unwanted materials left behind after industrial and manufacturing processes) is extremely hazardous and must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

So, whether you’re a small business owner or manage a large factory, reducing waste generation and proper disposal of waste materials should be your top priority, to ensure the continued safety of humanity and the environment.

Hazards of Improper Industrial Waste Disposal

It is estimated that the United States alone produces approximately 7.6 billion tons of industrial waste each year. Industrial waste is of several kinds. Some of it is non-hazardous. For example, as organic waste that can be easily composted. However, the majority is toxic and require specialized treatment. The hazards associated with improper industrial waste disposal include the following:

Soil Contamination

Dumping large amounts of industrial solid waste into a landfill is one of the fastest ways to pollute the land. Polluting the soil in and around the landfill can also result in toxins leaking into the ground water.

Water Pollution

Certain types of industrial waste including chemical waste (such as solvents, acids and pesticides) and bio-medical waste from hospitals are often illegally dumped into lakes and rivers. This pollutes the waterways and facilitating the spread of pathogens.

Poor Air Quality

Similarly, improper containment of industrial waste can lead to air pollution. This degrades the quality of oxygen available and making respiratory illnesses more widespread among the general population.

Damage to Biodiversity

Industrial processes have caused irreversible damage to ecosystems, with several species of flora and fauna already extinct or severely endangered.

Health Hazard

Hazardous industrial waste poses a huge health hazard, leading to the growth of micro-organisms and spread of dangerous diseases, alongside lowered immune response and long-term infections among humans.

Global Warming

Ultimately, manufacturing processes and improper waste disposal practices lead to the increased emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming. Climate change is a critical issue that must be tackled on all fronts to ensure the future of our planet.

How to Dispose of Industrial Waste

Instead of simply dumping such raw materials into the nearest landfill which contaminates the environment and poses a significant health hazard, efforts must be made to reuse or recycle wherever possible, and develop sustainable industrial waste management techniques that can be adopted on a large-scale by corporations and businesses.

The typical methods of industrial waste disposal include the following:

An infographic detailing how to dispose of industrial waste
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1. Recycling

To combat climate change, we must aim to drastically reduce the amount of waste generated, by reusing or recycling the existing materials, especially items made of wood, paper and glass. Out of the 7.6 billion tons of industrial waste produced annually, 30% of the waste streams are currently recycled. But experts postulate that around 75% is actually recyclable. Carefully scrutinizing and segregating waste products and sending them to appropriate recycling centers can go a long way in minimizing the harm done to our planet.

2. Waste Exchange Programs

Along with recycling, companies should focus on reusing and repurposing raw materials wherever possible. Moreover, the waste items from one industrial process may form bulk of the raw materials needed by a different manufacturer. So instead of throwing way the industrial waste, one can deposit the same at a trash exchange program which can then outsource the materials to a company that needs them.

3. Waste-to-Energy Plants

To save landfill space and costs, many companies have opted to convert the waste materials into energy, usually via incineration. Burning industrial solid waste under controlled conditions can generate electricity that can power homes or turbines, while also reducing the volume of waste. It can also provide heating/cooling as needed. Another advantage of waste-to-energy plants is that it reduces our reliance on natural resources, such as fossil fuels. However, care must be taken to ensure that such combustion practices do not lead to further air pollution.

4. Compost Centers

Food waste, a type of industrial waste, is biodegradable and can be easily composted into fertilizers to enrich the soil. Even old newspapers, sawdust, straw and other forms of organic waste can be broken down at compost centers.

5. Landfills

Finally, non-toxic waste that cannot be reused, recycled, incinerated or combusted. They mustst be buried at landfills located away from the city. However, this option should be considered as a last resort and the landfills too must be subjected to periodic maintenance checks to ensure that toxic substances are neither released into the atmosphere nor leaked into the soil and groundwater.

Responsible Industrial Waste Disposal is Important

Thus, proper industrial waste disposal is crucial for the future of our planet. With climate change concerns on the rise, both individuals and corporations must do their bit in minimizing consumption, reusing and recycling waste items wherever possible and opting for ethical and eco-friendly methods of waste disposal.

By being mindful of our consumption and disposal habits and supporting sustainable waste management endeavors, we can minimize health hazards, conserve local ecosystems and ensure that our planet is habitable for future generations.

Discount Dumpster Encourages Responsible Waste Disposal

Discount Dumpster is highly committed to responsible waste disposal. Our rental dumpsters come in a variety of sizes to suit different job specifications, and our rates are assured to be the cheapest in the region.

Whether its construction debris or industrial waste, we can assist your business by ensuring the safe removal of trash in our rental containers. Also, we find alternative means of recycling and waste disposal for your hazardous items. With a flexible rental period and zero taxes or hidden fees, you can always count on us to keep your surroundings clean and tidy. Give us a call today to know more about our services and get a no-obligation quote right away!

Call Today for Industrial Disposal Resources Near You! - (888) 316-7010

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