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What to Do with Used Coffee Grounds

Last Updated: December 18, 2021

What to Do with Used Coffee Grounds

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Over two-thirds of all Americans start their day with a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and the average American coffee fan drinks three cups of coffee a day. Each cup of coffee leaves behind used coffee grounds, and most of those grounds end up in the trash. But there is a better way to handle spent coffee grounds.

There are dozens of things you can do with spent coffee grounds from taking care of your home and garden to craft projects to personal care. Look through these ideas for coffee grounds uses to make the most of the waste from all those cups of coffee.

Personal Care Using Coffee Grounds

1. Coffee Scrub Skin Exfoliant

  • Let your used coffee grounds dry completely - do not use damp coffee grounds
  • Melt 1/2 cup coconut oil and let it cool slightly
  • Stir in 1 cup coffee grounds and 1 cup coarse salt
  • Add in cinnamon and vanilla extract as desired
  • Store in an airtight container.

This coffee scrubs mixture will exfoliate your skin and remove dead skin cells. The coconut oil acts as a pleasant moisturizer, leaving your skin smooth and soft and smelling fresh.

Your coffee grounds mixture is also a natural treatment for the dark circles under your eyes. Use a cotton swab or cotton ball, and be careful not to get coffee grounds in your eyes.

2. Coffee Bath Bombs

You can easily make fizzing bath bombs with your leftover coffee grounds. Simply mix together:

  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 cup citric acid
  • 1/2 cup corn starch
  • 1/4 cup Epsom salts
  • 3 tablespoons coffee grounds
  • 1 tablespoon almond oil
  • 1 tablespoon water

Press into a bath bomb mold and let dry for at least 24 hours. Store in an airtight container.

3. Coffee Soap

Since coffee grounds have great exfoliating properties, they make a great addition to homemade soap.

  • Start with glycerin soap base
  • Melt it as directed and add in dried used coffee grounds (You can add in other fragrances too)
  • Pour into a soap mold
  • Let cool completely before slicing into bars
an infographic explaining how you can use used coffee grounds for personal care
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4. Stimulate Hair Growth

This is one of the littler known uses for coffee grounds. Researchers have found that an excess of the hormone DHT can lead to hair loss. A study in the International Journal of Dermatology revealed that caffeine can block the effects of DHT and stimulate hair growth.

You can make a coffee rinse by steeping your used grounds in hot water for a few hours. Let it cool completely. Saturate your hair with this rinse and cover with a shower cap. Allow it to sit on your hair for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

5. Remove Odor from Hands

You know how difficult it can be to remove the smell of garlic or onions from your hands after chopping. Coffee grounds come to the rescue!

Rub the fresh grounds thoroughly on your hands until the odors are eliminated and then wash your hands with soap and water.

6. Cellulite Buster

The caffeine in coffee grounds can act as a skin tightener and reduce skin dimples. The American Society for Dermatologic Surgery suggests using massage to improve the appearance of cellulite, and a coffee scrub is a great to use for this. The combination of caffeine and massage can increase blood flow, improve lymphatic drainage, and tighten the skin.

Household Cleaning with Old Coffee Grounds

7. Pots and Pans

Coffee grounds have a natural scouring ability. You can use them to get off caked on food and stains without having to use harsh chemicals or an abrasive cleaner like steel wool:

  • Sprinkle coffee grounds into your pan
  • Use a washcloth and scour pots and cans to get it sparkling clean

8. Deodorize Garbage Disposal

  • Combine used coffee grounds with Epsom salt and baking soda
  • Add white vinegar into the mixture
  • Continue to add vinegar, stirring until the coffee grounds are damp enough to form into small balls
  • Place balls on a parchment paper lined tray and freeze
  • Use the frozen balls to run through your garbage disposal with cold water to eliminate odors from your kitchen sink

9. Scratched Furniture

Dark wood furniture can look shabby with lots of scratches. You can eliminate scuffs and furniture scratches with coffee grounds:

  • Apply damp used coffee grounds to the scuff with a damp Q-tip
  • Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wipe with a cotton rag
  • Repeat as necessary to completely cover up the scratch
an infographic explaining how to use coffee grounds as a household cleaner
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10. Cleaning Out Fireplace

Cleaning ashes out of a wood-burning fireplace can make a huge mess with dust flying everywhere. To keep the ash dust down, sprinkle cooled damp ground coffee over the pile of ashes. You can then scoop up the ashes without stirring up the dust.

11. Roach Bait

Use coffee grounds to make a roach trap to get rid of these pesky pests:

  • Fill a large glass mason jar halfway with water
  • Add a generous amount of used coffee grounds
  • Place the jars along your baseboards and walls

The roaches will climb up the jar attracted by the coffee smell and fall in. They are then unable to get out. Dump the jars each day and repeat until the roaches are gone.

12. Neutralize Odors

Dry used coffee grounds completely. Put them in an open bowl or jar in your refrigerator to absorb unsavory odors. It also works to eliminate chemical odors from new carpeting or furniture.

13. Slippery Sidewalks

Most people use salt on slippery surfaces to help it melt faster and provide some traction. Over time, salt can damage concrete and wood surfaces and is harmful for nearby plants. A gentler way to do this is with used coffee grounds.

  • Sprinkle them on your walk and driveway to provide traction and help the ice to melt

Recipes Using Old Fresh Coffee Grounds

14. Coffee Flavoring for Desserts

Coffee-flavored desserts are nothing new. But you can add extra coffee flavor to any baked good.

  • Take used dried coffee grounds and pulverize them in your food processor
  • Add a spoonful or two to your recipe to get a perfect punch of coffee flavor

To make coffee flavored whipped cream:

  • Add the coffee powder to heavy whipping cream along with sugar to taste and a dash of vanilla

15. Enhance Chocolate and Chili Flavors with Coffee Grounds

Any recipes using chocolate or your own homemade chili can benefit from the extra punch of coffee flavor:

  • Soak used coffee grounds from freshly brewed coffee in warm water and then drain the grounds out
  • Use your coffee-infused water in place of the liquids in your recipes
  • Store in a jar or spray bottle

The coffee flavor adds a bolder and richer flavor to these dishes.

16. Meat Tenderizer and Marinade

A coffee ground meat rub adds just the right flavor to steaks and roasts.

Mix with:

  • Brown sugar
  • Coarse salt
  • Other spices for a rich and bold dry marinade

Coffee also acts as a natural tenderizer and helps the rub helps seal in some of the meat’s moisture.

Crafting with Coffee Grounds

17. Dying Fabric

Thoroughly dry your used coffee grounds. Then boil them with purified water to make a beautiful brown fabric dye. This dye works on all types of fabric, including cotton, linen, polyester, silk, and rayon. Researchers are looking at ways to incorporate this natural dye into commercial manufacturing processes.

18. Paper Antiquing

Use coffee grounds to turn white paper into craft paper with an aged and parchment look.

  • Mix coffee grounds into boiling water in a 3 to 1 ratio
  • Let the mixture cool and then put the paper into the liquid
  • Let it steep for several hours until you get the shade you want
  • Hang the paper to dry
  • Use it for crafts, invitations, scrapbooking, and cards
  • If you will be printing the paper, do that before steeping it in the coffee liquid

19. Coffee Grounds Candles

When you can’t get enough of that lovely coffee beans aroma, light up a coffee candle to get the wonderful smell of fresh beans without having to brew a pot of coffee.

  • Melt candle or palm wax
  • Add in some used coffee grounds
  • Enhance the smell with essential oils such as vanilla or mint
  • Pour into a prepared candle mold with a wick
  • Let harden for at least an hour
  • Trim the wick and your candle is ready to glow

20. Dye Easter Eggs

Coffee grounds give Easter eggs a beautiful soft tan coloring. To dye eggs:

  • Combine 3 tablespoons of water for every cup of used coffee grounds
  • Simmer for 15 minutes and remove from the heat
  • Add in eggs that have already been hard boiled
  • Let steep for up to 12 hours in the refrigerator

To make designs on the eggs:

  • Use a clear wax crayon to draw on the hard-boiled eggs before steeping

Gardening and Plant Care with Used Coffee Grounds

21. Composting

Coffee grounds work just like other organic plant material in your compost bin along with food scraps, kitchen waste, and grass clippings. They provide just the right amount of nitrogen, along with other nutrients including potassium and magnesium. Their coarse texture makes it easy to toss coffee grounds directly into your compost bins.

coffee grounds in a flower bed at the discount dumpster office building

Our Sales Manager Josh Stoda scattered coffee grounds in this flower bed outside the Discount Dumpster office for composting.

22. Houseplants

Not everyone can manage a compost pile, especially if you live in an apartment or don’t have the time to maintain the rich compost.

Luckily, coffee grinds can be spread right on the soil of your houseplants for plant growth. You’ll get the best results by sprinkling coffee grounds into the pots a couple of times a month.

23. Insect and Pest Repellent

Who doesn’t love the smell of coffee? Well, it turns out ants, slugs, and other garden pests don’t like it at all. Sprinkle coffee grounds around the base of your houseplants or tomato plants for an organic way to repel unwanted pests.

an infographic explaining how to garden using coffee grounds
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24. Cat Deterrent

Having a neighborhood cat use your garden as a litter box is never pleasant. Cats do not care for the aroma of coffee grounds. Sprinkle some around your garden and flower beds to gently shoo them away.

If your indoor cat is snacking on the potted plants in your home, use coffee grounds in the pots to deter them from eating your houseplants.

25. Mosquitos Repellent

Let your used coffee grounds dry out completely. Then, burn them in an aluminum tray or a clay pot. The coffee grounds will slowly smolder and produce fragrant to repel mosquitos in the area.

Pet and Animal Care Using Coffee Grounds

26. Flea Problems

Another pest you can repel by the smell of old coffee grounds are fleas. Rub used coffee grounds into your pet’s fur during a bath. Then ,brush the grounds out with a flea comb. This is a great alternative to using harsh chemicals to combat your pet’s flea problem.

27. Bait and Garden Worms

Worms are attracted to coffee grounds. Mix coffee grounds into your worm-filled bait box or worm bin to help them stay alive longer. If you’d like to attract beneficial worms to your garden areas, toss in coffee grounds to your amended soil when planting new seeds or plants.

Where to Get Used Coffee Grounds

If you live in a coffee-loving household, you may find your own personal supply of coffee grounds can meet all your needs. But with all these great tips for using spent grounds, you’ll soon be looking for more.

Get Coffee Grounds from Work

Your workplace can be a great source of coffee grounds. Simply make it a habit to collect the used grounds from the communal coffee maker in your breakroom. If you make a new pot of coffee at the same time, you’ll also be rewarded with a fresh cup of coffee each time.


Local Coffee Shops

Ask at your local coffee shop or at a Starbucks near you. Many are happy to give out a bag or two of used coffee grounds to anyone who asks. And if that is still not enough, you can ask your neighbors or friends to store up their used coffee grounds for you.

Open Your Coffee Pods

If you use a Keurig or similar machine, you may find it challenging to salvage your used grounds. Figuring out how to extract the grounds not only gives you a steady supply, but also will allow you to recycle the plastic and aluminum components in each coffee pod. You can manually open up the pod, but there is a handy tool that makes the job easier. With a Recycle A Cup tool, you can separate the contents of the pod with a quick twist.

About Monica Mayhak

I am an expert content writer with a depth of experience in the waste management and dumpster industry, with over 25 years of experience writing about construction, home improvement, property management, and education topics. As lead research writer for Discount Dumpster, I have expanded my knowledge and understanding of waste management, construction, and environmental issues over the past several years.

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